Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Celebrate? Really?

So, the Supreme Court made one judgment to protect civil rights today. Wonderful. No, really, I'm happy for everyone who will be positively affected by their ruling.

But, seriously, after yesterdays kick in the pants ruling on voting rights, how can we be celebratory? What is the basic reason for celebration today? Civil rights for all, despite their sexual preference? That's what the GLBT community has used as their rallying cry, their reasoning in asking for equal rights.

They got what they wanted. Again, wonderful. But, what about all of the people who are going to be denied their basic civil rights because of the Supreme Courts decision just twenty four hours ago? What do we say to them? "Sorry you lost, but hey we won today! Isn't that great??"

Civil rights for all suffered a huge loss on Monday. Pardon me if I take time to mourn that before I put on a party hat.