Sunday, November 4, 2012

How Republicans in Congress have Failed the American People

Since Barack Obama was elected, Republicans in Congress have been doing everything in their power to make him fail. When Democrats controlled Congress, the Senate Republicans constantly used the filibuster to block Democrat proposed legislation. And, the complete control of Congress Democrats supposedly had? In reality, because of delays in verifying election results for Al Franken, Teddy Kennedy's illness and "Blue Dog" Democrats who often sided with the obstructionist Republicans, Democrats only had total control for about 5 weeks. The rest of the time, Republicans in the Senate blocked a record number of proposed legislation by Democratic controlled House.

Before Obama was even sworn in, Rush Limbaugh said he hoped the the president would fail. When Republicans won the majority in the House of Representatives in 2010, one of the very first things Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said was that their first priority should be to make Barack Obama a one term president. Not "we want to help the economy". Not "we want to create jobs". No, they made it clear they were not going to cooperate with newly elected President Obama.

Most people know by now that this Congress has the lowest popularity of any Congress in history. What many may not know is that's because Republicans have gone out of their way to vote against things that the President was for, just to make sure it looked like he was failing. They voted against raising the debt ceiling, which caused our credit rating to fall for the first time in history. They voted against lowering student loan interest rates. They voted against a jobs bill. They voted against extending unemployment. They voted against a jobs bill for veterans! They voted against health care for 9-11 First Responders - those who put their health and lived on the line to save others! These are just some examples. Time and time again, Republicans have failed to act in the interest of the American people.

Remember that when you go to the polls on Tuesday.

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