Thursday, February 13, 2020

No I'm not embarrassed to be a Democrat

       Someone, on another persons Facebook post said that anyone who said they were a Democrat should be embarrassed. I chimed in that I was a proud Democrat, and that I wasn't embarrassed. Him: "You should be." 

      Really? I should be? You know who really should be? 

      Those who voted for the loud mouthed star of a reality show who never showed an ounce of couth, decency, or class. (Unless it was put before him on a teleprompter.) 

      Those who voted for a "businessman" whose businesses went into bankruptcy six times. 

      Those who voted for a man who has made such crass remarks like he can "grab women by the p*ssy."

     Those who voted for a man who bullies his political opponents with such childish names as: "Nervous Nancy" (Pelosi), "Sleepy Joe" (Biden), "Pocahontas" (!) for Elizabeth Warren, "Crooked Hillary" Clinton, etc. etc. etc. 

     Those who voted for a "businessman" who has put the US debt at an astronomical trillion dollars plus.

     Those who voted for a man who separates immigrant children from their parents, and who jails immigrants in inhumane conditions. 

     (And, those who voted for a man who was directly or indirectly responsible for the death of at least six children and dozens of adults in such detention centers.)

     Those who voted for a man who continues to strip environmental protections that were implemented to ensure healthy living measures for now and into the future. 

     And, those who voted for a man who has given huge tax cuts to the rich and corporations, yet plans on cutting programs for the poor, disabled and elderly.

     I could go on and on, but, really, one phrase comes to mind that sums it all up, and, it's not  that Democrats "should be embarrassed."
    It's that, if I was a Republican, I would be ashamed.

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